♻️ Know nothing / know something
I am sorry, I know nothing about that.
♻️ Know where
Do you know where the care keys are?
♻️ Know about
Do you know about the new timetable?
♻️ Know intimately
Michael and Karen know each other intimately they have been in a relationship now for 3 years.
♻️ Know something inside out
Why don’t you ask Patrick he know this company inside out. He has been working here for 20 years.
♻️ Know right from wrong
He was seventeen but he still did not seem to know right from wrong. His parents were constantly telling him.
♻️ Know for certain
I know for certain that they will reject the offer. They have rejected our previous 2 offers.
♻️ I honestly don’t know
I am sorry, I can not help you. I honestly don’t know where you can find that information.
♻️ Let me know
Let me know when that package arrives please, I am waiting for it.