Barron’s How to Prepare for the TOEFL with CD-ROM, 11th Edition by Pamela Sharpe Ph.D.
This new 11th edition offers complete and up-to date preparation for the Paper-Based TOEFL and the Computer-Based TOEFL, with a preview of the Next Generation TOEFL test. There is extensive practice-even for students who don’t have access to a computer. The manual includes a review chapter for each section of the TOEFL, including the new Speaking Section, and presents nine full-length model tests for the Computer-Based TOEFL, with questions answered and explained, along with one full-length model test for the Next Generation TOEFL and a practice test for the TOEFL Academic Speaking Test (TAST), with example answers. This compact disc-and-book package provides the audio versions for the Listening Comprehension sections of all model tests.

Choose Barron’s Method for TOEFL Success
- Read and understand the orientation to the TOEFL
- Take a model test to discover your problems
- Design your personal study plan for success
- Use this book’s review chapters to improve your skills
- Take the model tests in book and on CD-ROM and score your results
- Review the answers and explanations for all test questions
It’s Your Path To a Higher TOEFL Score
Free Download Barron’s How to Prepare for the TOEFL with CD-ROM, 11th Edition by Pamela Sharpe Ph.D. (Ebook + Audio CD)
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