Why is the TOEFL test changing?

TOEFL Tips Tricks
  • To measure the ability to communicate successfully in an academic setting

The new test will better measure what colleges and universities need to know: a prospective student’s ability to use English in an academic setting. The new Speaking section evaluates a person’s ability to use spoken English, and the new integrated Writing and Speaking tasks measure the ability to com­bine information from more than one source and communicate about it.

  • To reflect how language is really used

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What is different about the TOEFL iBT test?

TOEFL iBT test
  • It tests all four language skills that are important for effective communication: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The emphasis will be on using English to communicate.
  • It will be delivered via the Internet in secure test centers around the world. Once the new test is introduced in an area, the computer-based and paper-based tests will no longer be offered there.
  • Some tasks require test takers to combine more than one skill. To succeed academically in English­speaking colleges and universities, students need to be able to combine their language skills in the classroom. New integrated questions, or “tasks,” help students build the confidence needed to com­municate in the academic environments they plan to enter. The new integrated tasks will ask test takers to:

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Check Your English Vocabulary for TOEFL

Check Your English Vocabulary for TOEFL Essential words and phrases to help you maximize your TOEFL score By: Rawdon Wyatt

Check Your English Vocabulary for TOEFL by Rawdon Wyatt provides a resource for students studying towards the TOEFL® (Test of English as a Foreign Language) exam, which is a requirement for entry for non-native speakers of English at over 6,000 universities in 100 countries worldwide.

Check Your English Vocabulary for TOEFL
Check Your English Vocabulary for TOEFL

It includes a range of fun activities to help students build and improve their English vocabulary at TOEFL® level, and is suitable for both self-study and classroom use.

Check Your Vocabulary series: ‘Ideal self-study aids for anyone preparing for these exams’. It’s one of the best 10 TOEFL Books for TOEFL iBT Preparation 2017.

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Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test 4th edition (Book & CD-ROM)


Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL® Test Book with CD-ROM by Jolene Gear , Robert Gear 

Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL® Test, Fourth Edition, helps students master the language skills they need to succeed on the TOEFL® iBT and communicate effectively in an academic setting. Using an integrated skills approach that mirrors the structure of the TOEFL® iBT, this fully revised text is ideal for classroom use and self-study. The book contains hundreds of skill-building exercises covering all of the question types in the exam and four practice tests. A supporting skills section is provided to improve grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and study skills. The CD-ROM includes the tests from the book plus three additional practice tests in an electronic format that simulates the online TOEFL® iBT. The audio program, available on Audio CDs or Audio Cassettes, contains conversations, lectures, and all listening material for all listening exercises and test questions.

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The Complete Guide To The Toefl Test IBT Edition – Bruce Rogers

The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test

The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test: iBT Edition (Exam Essentials)  by Bruce Rogers

The instruction and practice in The Complete Guide to the TOEFL iBT closely mirrors the actual test, helping students to master the skills necessary to achieve the best possible score on the TOEFL iBT test and prepare them for success in an academic setting.

Written by Bruce Rogers, an internationally recognized authority on English language standardized test preparation.
This complete text provides test-taking strategies at the beginning of each section, extensive practice with all question types found on the TOEFL iBT, a separate section on essay writing, additional exercises addressing the most common errors made on the TOEFL test, and two full practice tests.

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