Speaking and Writing Strategies for TOEFL iBT (Book & Audio CD)

Speaking and Writing Strategies for the TOEFL iBT - wikitoeflibt.com

Speaking and Writing Strategies for TOEFL iBT (Book & Audio CD) by Bruce Stirling

Increase your TOEFL iBT score by increasing your speaking and writing scores. How? By using the strategy called argument mapping. Why argument mapping? Because the TOEFL iBT speaking and writing sections are all argument-based tasks. That means if you want high speaking and writing scores, you must know how to map out (develop and deliver) spoken and written arguments, quickly and proficiently. With argument mapping, you will be able to do just that. Best of all, you can apply argument mapping to all six speaking tasks and both writing tasks. That means you will spend less time reading about strategies and more time practicing them.

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The Ultimate Guide to passing TOEFL & IELTS with proven hacking tips on reading, writing, listening and speaking by Jimmy Akamini

Are you a non-native English speaker embarking on an English journey? Have you been preparing for your TOEFL and IELTS and plan to take the exams soon? Then this book is for you. This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to pass TOEFL and IELTS at your convenience in 90 days. I will take you through the basics of preparing for the exams, the tricks you need to learn and the practical guide and exercise for each module of the exams. This book is written in such a way that if you understand the book in its entirety, you are ready to take your exams.

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Longman Introductory Course for the TOEFL Test: iBT

Longman Introductory Course for the TOEFL Test- iBT [WikiToefl.Net]

Longman Introductory Course for the TOEFL Test: iBT (Student Book with CD-ROM, without Answer Key) (With Audio CDs) by Deborah Phillips

Providing both a comprehensive language skills course and a wealth of practice for all sections of the test, the Longman Introductory Course for the TOEFL® Test: IBT, by Deborah Phillips, gives intermediate students (scores of 450 to 520 on the paper TOEFL® Test or 45 to 70 on the TOEFL® iBT) all the tools they need to begin to prepare for the TOEFL® iBT integrated-skills test. Upon completion of the Introductory Course , students are ready to handle the more advanced material in Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL® Test: IBT.

Note: You must have the Audio CDs to use the listening material (the Skills Practice, the Mini-Tests, the Complete Tests, and the TOEFL®-level Test) in the textbook. The audio material on the CD-ROM is different from that on the adio CDs.  Click here to purchase the Audio CDs.

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The Heinle and Heinle Toefl Test Assistant – Vocabulary

Heinle & Heinle TOEFL Test Assistant- Vocabulary [WikiToefl.Net]

Heinle & Heinle TOEFL Test Assistant: Vocabulary by Milada Broukal

The Heinle & Heinle TOEFL test Assistant: Vocabulary is a vocabulary building text that prepares students to meet the vocabulary needs in all sections of the TOEFL test; i.e., Listening Comprehension, Structure and Written Expression, and Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension, in a variety of ways. Each section of the test has different vocabulary needs. The Listening Comprehension section requires vocabulary in the form of idioms, phrasal verbs, everyday and specific vocabulary. The Structure and Written Expression section tests knowledge of suffixes, and of confusing words. The Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension section requires looking for contextual clues that reveal the meaning of a word. This comprehensive text addresses all the vocabulary needs of the student.

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