Vocabulary Practice 16 :Spelling

Vocabulary Practice 16 :Spelling Exercise 1: There are eleven words in this passage which are spelled incorrectly. Can you find and correct them? Apart from condemming tobacco companies and rising the price of cigarettes, the goverment’s antismoking campain has failed to have any long-term affects, and the only people bennefitting from it are the Treasury … Read more

Practice Test 15: Similar meanings (Nouns)

Practice Test 15: Similar meanings (Nouns) Exercise 1:Look at sentences 1 – 20. These can either be completed with a word from box A or a word with a similar meaning from box B. Identify both the words that could be used. In some cases, you will need to add an -s to one or … Read more

Vocabulary Practice 14: Pronouns and determiners

Vocabulary Practice 14: Pronouns and determiners Exercise 1: Complete these sentences with an appropriate pronoun or determiner (e.g., his, which, there, itself, etc.). You will need to use some pronouns / determiners more than once. 1. The team arrived in Cairo, and from ________________ set out across the desert in a southwesterly direction. 2. Students … Read more

Vocabulary Practice 13: Presenting an argument

Vocabulary Practice 13: Presenting an argument Exercise 1: Read the text below, in which somebody is trying to decide whether to go straight to university from school, or spend a year traveling around the world. Put their argument into the correct order, using the key words and expressions in bold to help you. The first … Read more

Vocabulary Practice 12: Phrasal Verbs 2

Vocabulary Practice 12: Phrasal Verbs 2 Exercise 1:Each of these sentences can be completed with come, get, give, go, or look to make a phrasal verb in bold. In some cases, more than one answer is possible. Make sure you use the correct form of the verb in each one. The phrasal verb is explained … Read more