If you’re looking to increase your sports betting bankroll, understanding how to “dutch” is key. Dutching is a technique employed in sports betting where bettors place multiple bets on the same sporting event with the hope of winning more money than they would if they only placed one bet. By splitting your bet among different teams, you increase your odds of winning. Here’s how to do it:
- Decide which team you want to support in the game.
- Place your first bet on that team.
- If that team loses, place a second bet on that same team and continue doing this until the game is over or until you have placed all of your bets.
- If the game goes in your favor and the team you initially backed loses, you will have lost money because you are still invested in that particular team and have not profited from any other bets placed on other teams during the game. In order to profit from those bets, you need to “dutch” them – i.e., split them between two different teams. Dunkel Index is a great source for finding potential “dutch” bets.
- Profit will be maximized if you can “dutch” your bets on multiple different teams, but this is not always possible.
The Downsides of Dutching

When you Dutch in sports betting, you are betting on the opposing team without letting them know what your bet is. This is done by placing two different bets on the same outcome, with the hope that one of the bets will cancel out the other.
In theory, this should allow you to make more money by ensuring that your opponent doesn’t know which bets you have made and can’t place a counter bet. However, there are a few major disadvantages to Dutching.

The first disadvantage is that it can be difficult to correctly predict which bet your opponent will cancel out. This is because it’s hard to know which outcome you’re most likely to see. If you make a bet on say, a touchdown, but your opponent also makes a bet on a field goal, then it’s likely that the touchdown will be canceled out and you’ll lose both your bets.
The second disadvantage is that it can be very risky. If your opponent correctly predicts which bet you’ve made, then they can simply avoid making any bets themselves and let you lose both of your bets. This can be quite costly if you’ve put a lot of money into the Dutch and end up losing all of it.

Dutching is a technique in sports betting where bettors place multiple bets on the same sporting event with the hope of winning more money than they would if they only placed one bet. By splitting your bet among different teams, you increase your odds of winning.
However, there are a few major disadvantages to Dutching, so be sure to weigh them before making a decision. By correctly predicting which bet your opponent has made, they can avoid making any bets and you can lose both your bets.