Idioms and colloquialisms

Exercise 2:Instructions as above.

  • Let me lend a hand. 
  • How’s it going? 
  • How should I know?
  • I’m a bit tied up for the time being. 
  • I’m going to give it all I’ve got. 
  • Is it any wonder?
  • Oh, I’m used to it. 
  • Sure. Why not? 
  • What a drag! 
  • What do you have in mind?
  • You bet!
  •  You’re out of luck.


A. Can I have a look at your essay to get a few ideas?

B. _____________________________________

A. Thanks. I’ll do the same for you next time.

A. I’m working really hard for my exam at the moment.

B. _____________________________________

A. Oh, not bad. I’m fairly confident of passing.

A. Where’s Murai today?

B. _____________________________________

A. Don’t be like that. I was only asking.

A. We need to finish this assignment by Monday. There goes our weekend.

B. _____________________________________

A. I know, but we’ll make up for it next weekend.

A. Want to come to the concert tonight?

B . _____________________________________

A. That’s great. I’ll go and get us some tickets.

A. Do you think you’ll pass your exams?

B. _____________________________________

A. That’s the spirit! Well, good luck.

A. Do you find it difficult getting up at 6 o’clock every morning?

B. _____________________________________

A. I suppose you must be. You’ve been doing it for so long.

A. We’re thinking of doing something to celebrate the end of the semester.

B. _____________________________________

A. I’m not sure, really. Perhaps a barbecue, or something like that.

A. Are there any tickets left for tonight’s show?

B. _____________________________________

A. I thought so. Oh well, never mind.

A. I have to get the hall ready for tonight’s lecture.

B. _____________________________________

A. That’s really kind of you.

A. I was wondering if you could help me with my assignment.

B. _____________________________________

A. Yes, I thought you might be a bit busy right now.

A. Poor Sarah failed to get a good grade in her TOEFL once again.

B. _____________________________________

A. Right. She never seems to do any preparation for it.