Chapter 3 is the best with questions and sample samples by Part by topic. From the sample source and the provided tips will help you get the direction for the IELTS exam, analyze how to answer Speaking well and interesting.
Finally, Chapter 4, summarizes the Useful Vocabulary and Useful expressions – vocabulary and phrases, useful formulas for candidates to apply to each of your parts. This helps you link the answer and change the way you speak, lengthen the answer rather than the words and answer curtly and lose points with examiner.
At the end of the book, you will also be provided with 6 tests and 1 sample of the Speaking Speaking test for more advanced practice.
With all the useful points as above, make sure the book learners have prepared and developed ideas, good way of speaking, better scores in Speaking.
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Once you have the book, you should take a look at it, read the review first to get an overview of the test, then learn and analyze the sample papers provided.
Please analyze the sample by yourself and try to say it again, parody the pronunciation, you always do your sample speech.
Useful vocabulary notes and sentence structure, exclusively applicable to test-taking speech.