Being on social media and using messenger platforms to talk to people is a must nowadays, and we are always on the lookout for the perfect app that will be fit for all our needs. WhatsApp has proven itself to be what the users want, and this platform is said to be the number one choice of users in more than one hundred countries all around the world.
Currently, there are more than 2.5 billion users that open this app at least once per day. If you are one of them, then you probably know all about the perks that come with it, and if you use it for work or if you want to share sensitive data, then you probably know how safe and encrypted it is. In this article, we are going to talk about the need for having multiple WhatsApp accounts, and we will tell you if you can use them all on the same computer. Continue reading if you want to know more about this platform, why it is so popular, and about some neat tricks that you probably were not aware of before.
Use the App

The first thing that you can do to sign in to your account is to download and use the official application. One thing that you should know about this is that there are a lot of scam platforms that will look like the original WhatsApp, but when you try to download and install them, you will end up with a virus on your computer.
The best thing you can do is go to the official website and just select if you want to get it for your Windows or Mac computer. When you do the installation process, you should have your phone next to you because you won’t be able to sign in without adding the code or scanning the QR code with your smart device.
When you use the app, you will be able to sign in to a maximum of two accounts at the same time. This is something that is already a feature on the official platform, so you don’t have to worry about doing anything else.
Use your browser

There are a lot of people who want to be able to use more than just one or two accounts, and if you share your computer with other family members, then you definitely don’t want to sign out or log in over and over again. So, instead of signing up every time you open your computer, you can just use the browser.
WhatsApp web is pretty amazing, you don’t need to download any additional software, and you can choose if you want to save your username and password, or if you want to just use it once and then get automatically signed out.
According to Avanda, if you are not sure if you logged out of WhatsApp web and if you don’t want to risk someone reading your sensitive information, you can terminate all active sessions from your phone. This way you can choose if you want to stay logged in, or if you want to have full control over your profile.
Another neat thing that not many people know about is that you can sign in on as many different accounts as you want, as long as you use different browsers. So, if you have more than one browser, you can sign in on all of them using your unique username and password.
Incognito can always help

Now let’s talk about those people who don’t use more than one browser on their computer and who are not interested in installing a new one just to be able to use multiple accounts. Well, there is a solution for you as well, you can choose to go with incognito mode and you can add another active session that is different than the one that is already signed in on your main browser.
If you are unsure how to access incognito from your device, you should know that most browsers have this option added on the dropdown menu that you can usually find on the upper right corner of your screen. Depending on the browser, this menu may be located on the right or the left, and it can be called either incognito mode, private session, or something in between those lines.
One thing that you need to remember is that you cannot open two private windows and be able to log into different accounts on them. You can only log into one profile per private session. You will need to close it and open it again if you want to sign into another one. Once you close the private window, your session will be terminated, and you won’t have to worry about someone else checking your messages, data, or files. Note that there might be some limitations when it comes to accepting or downloading files.
Get the extension

Lastly, you don’t have to bother with all these things, and you can just get the WhatsApp extension that currently comes with Chrome. One interesting thing about this extension is that you are free to customize it in any way that you want, you can choose the colors and just play around with the features.
No matter what you choose to get or add, you will need to give permissions from your phone, so make sure you have it near you. There are different types of extensions currently available, and even though most of them are safe and will work properly, you should always first look for the official version. If you cannot find it, then spend some time checking the reviews, ratings, and comments, so you don’t end up adding something to your browser that will breach your privacy or affect you in any negative way.
As you can see, there are a lot of quick and easy ways that you can practice if you want to use multiple WhatsApp accounts on your computer. Choose the one that you prefer depending on your habits, and remember that if you choose to download or install anything, you need to be extremely careful. Don’t share your personal information on websites that look suspicious, and remember you can always track or terminate active sessions from your phone. Add different layers of verification and security on your profile if you use your account on public devices to be extra safe.