LinguaForum Hooked On TOEFL iBT Listening (New Edition)

LinguaForum Hooked on TOEFL Listening

LinguaForum Hooked On TOEFL iBT Listening (New Edition)

LinguaForum Hooked on TOEFL Listening (New Edition) is the revised version of Hooked on TOEFL Listening Cram/Crash Course series. It is intended for advanced students preparing for the TOEFL iBT and is based on the most up-to-date information on the test.

Special features of this revised edition include:

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Cracking The TOEFL iBT 2009 Edition

Cracking the TOEFL IBT with Audio CD, 2009 Edition

Cracking the TOEFL IBT with Audio CD, 2009 Edition (College Test Preparation) by Princeton Review (2008-05-06) 

Cracking the TOEFL IBT with Audio CD, 2009 Edition
Cracking the TOEFL IBT with Audio CD, 2009 Edition

Synopsis: The TOEFL has undergone major changes in recent years. It is now completely computer-based; it’s longer; and it has mandatory Speaking, Listening, and Writing sections. Cracking the TOEFL iBT provides the most comprehensive information available about how to succeed on the exam, complete with an audio CD and full transcript, full-length practice test, and scores of drill questions.

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Peterson’s Master the TOEFL Vocabulary

Peterson's Master the TOEFL Vocabulary

Peterson’s Master the TOEFL Vocabulary – Boost your TOEFL iBT Score!

Test preparation for the vocabulary section of the latest TOEFL test Test preparation for the vocabulary section of the latest TOEFL test

Master TOEFL Vocabulary of author Peterson is a reference, add points, skill training for the TOEFL exam in Writing in the book Master introduction to the TOEFL, you learn methods and effective noise test, as well as the test sample for your reference.

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Kaplan TOEFL Paper-and-Pencil

TOEFL Paper-and-Pencil (Kaplan Toefl)

TOEFL Paper-and-Pencil (Kaplan Toefl)

Kaplan’s TOEFL® Paper-and-Pencil with 3 Audio CDs, Third Edition, is a complete review of all the material on the paper-based and computer-based TOEFL® exam. You get 3 realistic practice tests; Kaplan’s powerful test-taking strategies; and easy-to-understand grammar, reading, listening, and writing reviews. TOEFL® Paper-and-Pencilwill help you to score higher on the TOEFL® exam and get into the North American university or profession you want.

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Cliff’s TOEFL Preparation Guide by Jerry Bobrow

Cliff's TOEFL Preparation Guide

Cliff’s TOEFL Preparation Guide by Jerry Bobrow, William A. Covino This is a test preparation guide for students studying English as a foreign language. It provides background material and guidance in understanding the TOEFL, which should help students take the test with maximum efficiency. It aims to be thorough, concise and easy to understand. The book … Read more