Can You Get Sick From a Dirty AC Unit

Most people in the world own at least one air conditioner and these units help us survive long, hot summers, and they help us feel better, happier, and healthier. We all know that we need to properly maintain and clean the aircon, but we don’t always do it. We tend to forget and to just … Read more

How Green Are Electric Cars Actually?

The benefits of electric vehicles (EVs) as a potential solution to climate change and dependence on fossil fuels are becoming more widely recognized. As the number of electric cars on the roads rapidly increases, so does our knowledge about their carbon footprint – as well as concerns that threaten to undermine their green status. How … Read more

 Six Ways to Keep Your Parked Car Cool in Summer

It’s that time of year again. When your hip gets branded by a scalding seatbelt buckle, and when turning around a corner becomes a bit like playing hot potato but with a burning steering wheel rather than a delicious, freshly cooked root vegetable. It’s amazing how hot our cars can get when parked in the … Read more