Taking care of your home is a thing you do throughout your life. As a homeowner and the head of your family, you need to make sure that every single aspect of your house remains in optimal condition so that everyone is safe and comfortable. Every home is different but they all have certain elements that are the same. By working in unison, they provide warmth and a safe haven for those living under its roof. Speaking of the roof, that is exactly the topic of this article.
The Importance of a Roof

There is a reason why having a home is also described as having a “roof over your head”. A house is not complete without it. Everything else can exist and function properly but if there is nothing above it all to protect it, the home is useless. From the weather conditions and elements to keeping the warmth or cold inside during different seasons, the roof is the part of a home which allows you to have a separate place isolated from the outside world. In the wild, you cannot really find anything along those lines other than caves. Being able to protect yourself from the top with a physical barrier that serves multiple purposes is one of the things that allowed us to become the dominant species.
A home is a personal space you protect and care for, and the roof is an integral part in the whole equation. But what happens when it needs maintenance or replacement? Can you even replace it and if so, how often should you do it? Keep reading this article to learn more about this, especially if you are experiencing some roof problems at the moment. In the meantime, make sure to also check out transformingconservatories.co.uk for additional information regarding roof replacements.
Why Replace It at All?

When we think of houses and the work they need on a regular basis, roof rarely comes to mind. In fact, for most people it is nothing but an afterthought. It is almost implied that roofs are something that barely needs replacement except if the house is literally falling apart. In reality though, there is a lot that can go wrong with the whole roofing installation even though the rest of the home is in perfect condition.
As much as they are ignored, many problems with homes actually start from the roof. In a good old top to bottom manner, damage tends to extend from the very top of the building and then slowly creep through the walls and into the foundations. Without regular inspection, who knows what could be going on with the roof over your head. The basic causes of damage come in various shapes and forms. They result from different things but there are obvious signs that point towards a certain issue.
When inspecting the roof of your house, be sure to look for loose, cracked, or damaged shingles. Missing shingles are also a common problem. If you have a lot of wood up there, rot and mold are your number one concern. Water damage and leaking are the bane of anything and everything made out of wood so ensure that your wooden roofing is in good shape. If you spot any dark spots or holes in any area of your roof, it is a red flag of an underlying problem. It is enough to inspect the roof every two years, just to be sure that there are no problems developing in the meantime. Paying for small repairs every now and then is always better than replacing the whole thing.
How Often Should You Replace It?

It is finally time to answer the titular question of the article and talk about how often the whole roof needs to be replaced. Know that it is nowhere near as often as you may believe, especially with sturdier materials and more robust construction.
If your shingles are made from composition materials, the average replacement period ranges between 12 and 20 years. This is when most of the individual shingles will have experienced too much wear and tear to keep protecting the home as they should. If they are asphalt, the range is quite wide as they are usually changed anywhere between 15 and 30 years. This is a very wide timeframe to plan for so just make sure you inspect the shingles regularly.
Wooden shingles are more durable than people give them credit. Although wood does not work well with most elements, the shingles can actually last from 20 to 25 years. They are more prone to any sort of damage and need to be changed here and there. The good thing about wooden roofs is that you can replace individual shingles as they are damaged and never really replace the whole thing at once.
Rubber roofs are very good when it comes to protection and longevity. Since rubber does well in most conditions and against all sorts of damage, there is no need to replace rubber roofs for around 30 years. Usually, people do not do it after half a century even. This means that you will probably not have to do anything if you have a new home and a new rubber roofing installed.
Lastly, metal roofs last the longest without the need for any sort of replacement. Anywhere from half a century to 75 years, the home will remain protected and without any need for full replacement. If you are thinking of which material to use for your new home, metal would be the obvious choice if you are looking for longevity and as little maintenance as possible.
Conclusion and Takeaways

It all comes down to where you live and what you want or need from your home. The suggested timeframes we mentioned may vary based on your geographical location and the weather conditions, but it is safe to say they are fairly accurate. Severe storms and extreme damage from the elements can ruin a roof beyond repair in a few years, but there are special ways in which they are protected in problematic regions. For anything else, you are looking for at least a few decades on average before you need brand new roofing.