TOEFL IBT Listening Practice Test 12 From Delta’s Key TOEFL Test


23. What is the main idea of the talk?
(A) Birds differ in appearance throughout the world.
(B) The best diet for birds includes both seeds and insects.
(C) The bird’s bill is specialized to its preferred diet.
(D) Birds have a variety of interesting behaviors.


24. Select the bird that is most likely a seed eater.

25. Listen again to part of the talk. Then answer the question.
Why does the professor say this: O
(A) To describe the nutritional benefits of flower nectar
(B) To state that birds and their food evolved together
(C) To compare the physical structure of birds and plants
(D) To explain why birds need variety in their diet


26. Select the bird that is most likely a nectar drinker.

27. Listen again to part of the talk. Then answer the question.
What does the professor imply about hummingbirds?
(A) They are a source of food for insects and spiders.
(B) Their diet is not restricted to flower nectar.

(C) They obtain protein from eating flower seeds.
(D) Their behavior cannot be explained scientifically.


28. What physical features are characteristic of birds that eat insects?
Click on two answers.
A. A thick, cone-shaped bill

B. A slender, tweezer-like bill

C. Strong jaw muscles

D. A long, sticky tongue



29. What is the main purpose of the talk?
(A) To test the students’ ability to understand chemistry
(B) To explain different kinds of chemical processes
(C) To list the jobs available to chemistry graduates
(D) To introduce the students to the study of chemistry


30. According to the professor, why is chemistry sometimes called the central science?
(A) Chemistry courses are the most difficult.

(B) Chemical processes occur all around us.

(C) Chemistry students have high status.
(D) Chemists study how to control diseases.


31. Listen again to part of the talk. Then answer the question.
Why does the professor mention her former students?
(A) To introduce basic skills that all chemists need
(B) To make the study of chemistry more exciting
(C) To give examples of successful graduates

(D) To recommend former students as tutors


32. What does the professor imply about memorizing information?
(A) It is the best strategy for earning high test scores.
(B) It is difficult when the information is unfamiliar.
(C) It is the only way to make chemistry interesting.
(D) It is not the most important part of education.


33. Listen again to part of the talk. Then answer the question.
Why does the professor say this: O
(A) To emphasize the importance of doing homework regularly

(B) To show that studying with others is useful in the sciences

(C) To explain that every problem has only one correct answer

(D) To encourage students to pursue graduate study in chemistry


34. What does the professor imply about making mistakes?
(A) You should try not to make any mistakes.

(B) It is dangerous to make mistakes in chemistry.
(C) Mistakes can be a part of the learning process.
(D) Professional chemists rarely make mistakes.